My Lord,
How great art thou! You are truly an amazing presence in my life. This was quite a weekend and as such, will become a long entry. But with you, there is no concept of time.
Yesterday I was in my multitasking mode, talking to my baby sister and getting dressed for my date. She and I were talking about tithes. She is truly coming into her true self. I am so very proud of her. Her growth and desire to walk with you is transforming right before my eyes.
When she called me in a panic, I was concerned that something bad had happened. It didn't. She was seeking my assistance with her assignment, given by the Pastor. She had to prepare a message about tithing and be willing to share her testimony. She did not want to do it. Initially, I told her that she could use mine as an example. And then, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "No."
I then told her that God was using her and that this truth of hers would make a big impact one someone. And if we can just touch one person with our "Journey toward Jesus testimonies" than it, meaning the pain, was all worth it.
We were referencing and researching scriptures and laughing out loud. Literally. It was fun. And right in the midst of that, I received a text from a dear friend and I yelled it to my sister. "Whitney Houston died!" She said, "No way." We both frantically searched the net and there it was, posted not more than 4 minutes prior. It was true. We cried.
I froze. I couldn't think of anything but her daughter, and then I thought of her mom. I had to get off the telephone and pray. After praying, it didn't seem right to go on a date. I felt like someone I knew had just passed away.
I continued to get dressed and I was moving about the house, it seems in slow motion. When he called to say that he was downstairs, I ran a check list through my mind. And as I stood there looking around, my inner voice said, "Micheal Jackson died and now Whitney."
I turned off the lights and locked the door.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Today we receive new grace. How ironic that it was today's sermon? Grace by faith.
My sister called me at 0720 hours to ask me about the date and to go over testimony again. Big smile. Once again, I'm so proud of her. Her journey was very rocky and at times, overwhelming. Lord, you delivered her in a mighty way. Just as you did for me. And just as you will continue to do for those who seek you with a pure heart.
That's what I am trying to do Lord. I seek you you with all my heart. Do not let me stray away from your commands.
In sharing our stories and our past pains, she and I began discussing men. Fast forward, I had an epiphany in Church this morning about my date last night. I won't go into details here, but I will thank you deeply for understanding me like no man ever could. If there were such a man, I may very well turn my focus and attention toward the flesh and put distance between you and I. And that my Lord, just simply cannot happen. We've been through way too much togther and I will not abandon you.
Eternally yours