Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Lord,

Today was a blue day. At least I think so. It kind of felt wavy-a mixture of emotions. Not sure if it was the headache or the mundane in the work place. I really wanted to stay home. Your grace woke me up and got me moving. I was grateful for that.

Once I got closer to the office, the blueness started to sink in. The sermon was awesome as usual. And I feel like he felt. I don't need or want a better partner/spouse so to speak. I don't want a bigger house or new car. He said it just as I would have. "I just want to be with you Lord. I want a pillow and the pleasure of lying at your feet."

You know my longings and desires, so I won't spill them out here. I only ask that you search my heart and guide me in the way I should go. In your precious name, amen.

Eternally yours