The only thing he said about God was “Thank God for teachers!” He didn't give God any glory, he did not talk about prayer, Hope in Jesus, or salvation. He did not talk about scripture at all.
I felt so compelled to pray for this man...God were You grieved?
Lord God I thank YOU for the HOPE that I have in Jesus and I thank YOU for the Holy Scriptures and the precious and priceless power and gift of prayer!
#Part of a prayer request that I received today caused me to pray something different: I do love having access to the net and all the ways in which it is used for good things and specifically for Your Glory! BUT Father God, I just want to add that although the internet may not be 100% faithful, I pray Your people are reminded that You are. If or when the internet goes down, if it fails, if there are times when we cannot get online, I pray that those who still have a Bible will seek to read it. And I pray for those who do not have a Bible. I pray for those who forgot that they have a Bible or just don’t feel like reading the Bible, that the Holy Spirit would remind them that we still have access to YOU! We still have the ability, for those who believe and have put their faith in Jesus Christ, we have direct access to God because of what Jesus did! The Resurrected Christ that we believe in and proclaim, He died to give us access to YOU!
We are made righteous because of Him and nothing we did or deserve. And because of that, how can we not see YOU as ALL SUFFICIENT!?! With or without social media, and without a Bible and without the Internet, You are a #personal God! We can have as much #intimacy with You as we desire. The people of the Old and New Testament had YOU…..Help it to be #enough for this day and age! PLEASE I pray!!! May Jesus be #proclaimed as #enough!
Here was the petition I received via email:
”...with the website, there have been numerous challenges to overcome. To complicate these issues, our team members are working from home, which adds complexity to these changes. Pray that God would grant wisdom and peace during this time of adjustment and adaptation. And pray for team morale as its members grapple with separation and distance.”
Father I honor this request and I prayed in agreement. I know there are people who need to have human touch, and I have compassion for them. But still, the best intimacy and the most important relationship is with our Savior! If we were to meditate on Your promises and to pray without ceasing, that would be sufficient. If we were to do nothing, You would still do something! That’s just my personal opinion God. AND NOT ONLY THAT, we are not bound. The Holy Spirit is NOT bound.
I will keep repeating that again and again. People are allowed to leave out, to get food, to get prescriptions, to walk and to exercise…why aren't we (all) using that time to #engage with the lost? My friend shared that her brother is a missionary in Indonesia and they have to stay in the house. Also our missionaries from Turkey said that on the weekends, they cannot go out. We, in the states, we still have the freedom to go out! LORD may we proclaim Jesus!
Father God You know my heart. Unlike anyone else, You truly know my heart. I don’t belittle anything that’s happening. I do not belittle this virus and all the effects that have come as a result. I do not belittle the unemployment, the loss of healthcare, possibly being infected, and those who have lost a loved one. I do not belittle homeschooling, filing for government relief, standing in or driving through food lines. Nor the loss from the farmers, the close of businesses, those having to shelter in place, remain under quarantine, the deep rooted fears, increased anxiety and depression, the isolation, and the not knowing. The lack of human contact and the churches being closed. I do not belittle the increase in mental health issues, the increase in alcohol addictions and the increase in domestic violence abuse cases. I do not belittle the exhaustion from our medical professionals, our paramedics and law-enforcement officers. I did not belittle the children who have no clue on what is happening, and the lack of ability by the parents to explain this.
I just pray with my whole heart that all of this COVID-19 will bring people to the foot of the cross. Father God, to see their need for #Jesus and receive His priceless gift of salvation. Technology ain't got NOTHING on God Almighty! HE alone is the CURE and Comfort and it there is no other. You alone have the cure. Not the doctors, not the vaccine, not the president or any bill or financial relief that he provides for the American people.
ABBA FATHER, globally, because everyone is affected, cause us to deeply ponder, meditate on, cry out to, seek, plead with, yell, cry, and call on the name of Jesus! May everyone seek Jesus! As Your Word says there is a day of judgment to come. This is indeed a glimpse and a warning. This is a mass call for salvation and sadly, many will miss it and not respond. This is a time to take the focus off of ourselves, our achievements, our material possessions, our prideful flesh and self reliance. Our tightly gripped wealth, our so-called status, our self righteousness, and our misguided and deceitful beliefs that we are in control, and that we don’t need You.
Salvation today I pray in Jesus name. Thank You for Your mercy upon my life! I heard the gospel and I responded and I pray that You will continue to be merciful to me and all who are still living.
PAUSE: Jesus Christ ------> Have mercy on me I pray!
May not another person die without You as Savior.
Father please shut down social media for a time. Please. Shut down social media and all the on-line churches. See if your people would #really depend on You. See if Jesus is in fact enough. Or are those "just words" and just praise songs that we "sing" on Sundays because we still have so many things at our disposal?
Do we profess Him because we still have the freedom to move about and to do things that give us pleasure while we "wait" for the virus to pass us by. Test us God! Continue testing us, before everything fully opens back up. Please continue to test us. We need to be sure that our faith is true, sure and sustainable so that we can be approved before You as the Christians we claim to be. Oh that we would pass the test and prove faithful to the God we profess to have placed our faith in. In Jesus' name refine us as Your Word says. Amen.
"But the wicked people,,, they are like useless chaff that the wind blows away. So the wicked will not escape God's punishment. Sinners will not worship God with good people. This is because the Lord protects good people. But the wicked will be destroyed." Psalm 1:4-6
Test us, test me my Lord. Help us, I pray. Show us what we have truly placed our faith in. Let this faith be real and may YOUR name be glorified! It is a matter of life and death. It is not about this virus, but it is about our eternal resting place.
"Though He slay me, yet I will hope in Him; I will surely defend my ways to His face." Job 13:15
1 Peter 1:7
Psalm 66:10-12
Isaiah 48:9-11
Daniel 12:10
Malachi 3:2-4
Job 23:10
Psalm 18:30
Lord God all 66 Books are Life! Light and life. Breathe on us again, O' Breath of God! In Jesus' name, send a fresh wind of Your Spirit! Amen!
Eternally yours