Friday, July 27, 2018

Continue Listening...

Lord, You know that the other day I was reading from my commentary and this stuck out to so resonated with my spirit.

The Lord's intervention is eminent!  As a result, I wrote a prayer.

Back in #2012, the Holy Spirit called me to text and email daily encouragement using His truths.  It just blossomed and expanded over the years.  Since retiring it decreased some, but somehow, the Lord decreases and then turns right around and increases the recipients.  Today there are over 100 souls via text and 7 via e-mail. I send out the "encouragement" Monday thru Friday usually in the mornings and not everyone gets it.  I lean in and listen to the Holy Spirit.

On this day, I sent it to someone I don't regularly text.  I know her job is very busy and I sometimes consider that she may be in a meeting or just "overwhelmed" with stuff...
Now that I say that, all the more reason to encourage her.  In any event, on this day, I sent her along with almost everyone else this truth:

Today's truth: Small, medium or matter if it's personal or involving the entire body of Christ, the Lord's intervention in eminent! He will finish what He started. It may hurt. It may be very uncomfortable. It may seem as though it's taking forever. It may seem as if He's not listening. It may be the hardest thing you've ever experienced. It may scare you to the core. It may cause you to lose friends. It may require you to shake up your complacency. It may change the plans you had for your life and it may even cause you to forgive, trust, and yes...even surrender! BUT regardless, the LORD our God, the One you profess as Jesus, the Son of God, HE will finish what He started! Go along and stop resisting. We must submit to His authority and it will go well with our not easy or painless BUT well. In Jesus' name, FATHER GOD shape Your People for Your Glory. Amen and amen! 

Something traumatic happened to someone she deeply loves and this was her response to me:

"God is good and the short devo that you sent a few days ago was quite appropriate for me "the Lord's intervention is eminent! may change the plans you had for your life..."  God is still in control and we are trusting Him for the future."

Father GOD You are so intentional and I say, Thank YOU!  I love You for using me and I love You for knowing all about "us!"  NOT ONE SINGLE THING CATCHES YOU OFF GUARD!

Eternally yours