Thursday, July 26, 2018

Camp Phoenix

Father, once was an incredible experience to be used, to blessed by the kids and be a buddy.  They come in so sad, scared, introverted and wounded...knowing nothing about death.

By the end of the week, they have some answers.  They've made some new friends and they are on the path to healing.  I do NOT get to talk about Jesus, but Your Spirit is surely there as I get to watch this process unfold.  Not only that, this was my second year volunteering and I was able to see a "camper" from last year and man oh man did she bless my soul when she ran up to me and said that she'd missed me.  Also at the end, she looked at me and said with such confidence: "I know you love me!"

WOW GOD!  You are amazing...You continually find ways to use me and I am beyond grateful to sprinkle love and seeds of hope along this life's journey that I get to travel with YOU!

You know that I wanted to commit suicide twice in the past and if I were successful at that, I would not be blogging about Jesus Christ being my one true love.  I would not have impacted so many lives and I would not have the courage to share the gospel and to pray in public!

WOW God!  You are #amazing!

After the release of the Monarch's, as promised, I gave a tiara to one the little campers.  She was so precious and so grateful that I kept my promise.  That was something that YOU did especially for her.  Every time YOU do something, I have the ability to pause and see how YOU weaved it all together way before the moments present themselves.  I remember praying for Kelly in Akron and told her to get herself a tiara.  I wanted her to be reminded that she was the daughter of the KING!  King Jesus!

Later, I went to Wal-mart and bought two of them.  I said, "Lord, You tell me who to give these to." I have one left and You already know who the recipient will be!  I'm so excited to bless her!

Eternally yours