Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Simply Enjoying Your Presence

My Lord,

I've said this before and I'll say it again....I know you can't use me if I stay in my shell.  My heart longs to serve you.  #But, I love those moments when you allow me to just be...

I really enjoyed yesterday.  Being in my pjs, watching a good movie and feeling loved.  The movie was awesome.  It was titled, "Somebody's Child."

And then, I took a wonderful nap.  Wrapped in love.....oh so delightful.  Woke up to my amazing view and read some of Lysa's "Craving God."

Fixed dinner: Mean Green.  I'm loving this journey still, but I'm having the craziest dreams about food. Lol

Can't wait to indulge in a bowl of lettuce, sliced strawberries and apples.  Going to sit alone in the quiet stillness, say grace and chew very intentionally and slowly :-)

Thank you again My Lord for you provisions.  It's become rather expensive, but you continually provide.  Yes, Father, your grace is #beyond sufficient.

Texted back and forth with my number two guy (dad) well actually, he and Alex are tied for 2nd place, as YOU are my #1!

He is just beginning to juice and I pray that you will give him the same grace and results and that he can stick it out.  But then again, he's a Fuller, and we are determined and disciplined.  Thanks to you!

Everything is thanks to you!  EVERYTHING!

I love you

Prayer Request: Alicia, Becky, TJ, marriages, people who are controlled by fear, prisoners, soldiers, nursing homes, those who have lost their homes, those who have lost their jobs, anyone who has suffered the death of a friend for family member.  Father, please bring healing, answers where appropriate, comfort, peace and a knowing that YOU My Lord, You are still in control and still on the Throne.  In Jesus' precious name. Amen

Eternally yours