Thursday, August 15, 2013

Your gift to us...

My Lord,

Thank you for my sister Kara, who invited me to the summer bible study.  Initially I was going to skip it this year and work on my leftover homework from my women's bible study and small group.  For some reason, with traveling and being sick, I fell behind in some of the assignments. 

When I heard that the summer study was going to be about "Overcoming Life's Disappointments," I thought, "I don't need that class, I'll pass."

Two weeks into the class, Kara text me and invited me to come.  I love her like my little sister and so I went along.  Not even a week later, a dear sweet friend of mine had lost her mom.  She was grieving and I was grieving for her.  I was able to comfort her from what I know about You and our time spent together.  She was grateful for my friendship and words of encouragement. I was grateful that you have been having your way in my life which in turn, put me in a position to be of use.

And then, on Monday, I got some unexpected news that made my heart sad.  Not fearful but sad. 

We are studying a range of emotions and Ray said, "All of our emotions are a gift from God for a biblical purpose.

Anger, Hate, Fear, Lonliness, Grief, Loss, etc...I found that hard to believe at first sound, but now, I get it.

Thank you.

Eternally yours