Sunday, July 7, 2013

What Does the Bible Say About Sex?

My Lord,

Thank you for the sermon this morning.  It was so AWESOME and so piercing to the spirit.  It was indeed for all to hear and meditate on.  It was the first time in my five year salvation that I heard the word homosexuality and pornography used in Church.

I was so excited when I saw the title and so glad that I bought my recording device.  Cannot wait to share with T.  We were just talking about this very thing over the weekend.  She and I are on a journey of celibacy and we have spoken on more than one occasion about how you have removed "that" desire and replaced it with the "desire to wait" on you.

Father, I am trusting you to bring a Godly man to my daughter and my sister.  I know your goodness and your faithfulness.  I know that you know our heart's desire and I am truly content knowing that you will also bring me a man of God when the timing is right.

I am so excited about my day to day walk with you, anticipating how you will use me with each new day that a relationship is not in my line of sight.  Truthfully speaking, I don't know if I want to share my beach house with him.  I am so enjoying the freedom to come and go... to stay and meditate... to cook or not... to read or watch a movie... to write poetry or just listen to the bird's song... to go for a walk or to just be plain old me... I'm loving every single moment of being single and I give all the PRAISE to you.

I wished that all of my single friends could have heard the powerful message this morning. 
Pastor Jay spoke on: "What Does The Bible Say About Sex?"  And he used 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8, 1st Corinthians 6:9-11, 18.  He spoke about adultry, fornication, prostitution, etc...

**The most powerful thing was that he compared it all to the same sin as gossip, pride, slander,'s ALL Sin!  It all goes against the word of God and we need to look at it as evil in God's eyes.

I'll never forget when I read Paul's exhortation about single women serving the Lord.  He says in 1 Cor 7 that when we marry, we will have less time for you as we will be catering to and submitting to our husbands and other worldly issues.

And speaking of marriage:  I read a powerful devotion this weekend that I also shared with T.  The question posed was:  "IF I granted your request today, would you regret it years later?"  It was referencing Solomon and his request for wisdom.  YOU asked Solomon what was it that he wanted and he asked for wisdom. (Smart man indeed!)

I thought long and hard about what I wanted and I could not think of one single thing that I am desiring at this season in my life.  I pray that when I am longing, wanting, desiring...that it is in alignment with spending more time with you and praying fervently for your will in my life.

I have been blessed beyond measure and I have placed all my desires in your hand and have allowed you to fulfill them according to your will and have vowed that I will not go against it.

I am wholeheartedly seeking your approval and not that of MAN.

Eternally yours