Monday, July 29, 2013

The Simple Life

My Lord,

Thank you for a wonderful weekend.  It was gorgeous and BUTTERFLIES were everywhere; well over 200 as you know that I track them whenever I see them.  AMAZING!

Truly my bliss...aside from spending time with you :-)

I took a nice long and slow ride on Friday as I ran a few errands.  It was a perfect 10.  The clouds, sun and breeze was truly by your hands!

Later, I had small group bible study which I absolutely love.  It was so cozy and so comfortable being with my sisters and brothers in Christ.  I love how we share, support and pray for one another.  Jerry prayed special blessings over each one of us and I was so touched, I tried not to cry.  It was beautiful!

On Saturday, T and I went for a walk and briefly stopped by the Natural History Museum.  I just had to show her the Butterfly Explosion.  It was so crowded and a bit overwhelming.  The weekend is the worst time to go sightseeing and we decided to come back mid week later in the day.  The girls were swimming with their dad and I thank you for his presence in their lives.

They gave me get well cards and Jazmine wrote in her card, "Brag on your King!" Reference Romans 1:16.  I just loved it to pieces and of course it brought tears to my eyes.

On Sunday, Alex and I had an awesome lunch at Panera and a brief walk around Eastern Market as we ate our ice cream.  He is so sweet and loving and I pray that one day Father, he will be blessed with a wife and a family.

I talked with him about something that has been on my heart for quite sometime.  Thank you for giving me the words, wisdom and grace to say the truth.  He received it and understood completely.

Love you with all my heart, all the time!

Eternally yours