Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My Lord,

How AWESOME are You?

Last night I was winding down from the day and browsing through some poetry...penning some thoughts and then the phone rang.  You know how I feel when that happens...

Sometimes, when I'm in my bliss....the phone is the "enemy." Lol

Like my mother, I don't do telephones.  Thank you for the gift of texting... :-)

My spirit said, "answer it."

So very glad that I did.

It was an old and dear sweet friend.  She called to say that she'd been watching the Bible Series on the History Channel and it was amazing.  She'd been attending a few churches and was seeking a church home.  She asked questions about You, the bible, etc....I was doing cartwheels inside my heart.

Father, I'd been praying for her and her family.  YOU are a Mighty God.

Love you lots.

PS.  Thank you for all the work you're doing in my baby sister's life, spirit and heart.  I'm so proud of her.  And ditto for my daughter.  Again, My Lord, YOU are AWESOME!

Eternally yours