Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Lord,

You are so faithful and your love endures forever.  I am so grateful to you for so many reasons....i'll never be able to list them all. NEVER!

Yesterday, it was soooooooooooo cold.  My feet were frozen, my back was killing me and i worked for 16 straight hours.  I was so ready to call it a day...but yesterday was NOT about me.  Funny...this life isn't about me :-)

Yesterday was cold, windy, sunny and beautiful...the sunrise, the pink cloud formation and the amazing display of unity amongst our Nation's Capitol. 

It was the 57th Inauguration and it was thrilling, amazing and oh so memorable.  Yes, i was frozen, i could not move my toes and i was super dehydrated...but at the end of the night, you Father, you drove me home and tucked me in.  I slept through out the night and all was well with my "warm soul."

Thank you!

Eternally yours