Monday, January 7, 2013

My Lord,

I'm super excited about this year and all the things YOU have planned for me.  My sweet sister-friend, Myriam and I have created "2013 Promise Journals."  This year as we journey through the bible...seeking You indiviually and together we will be discovering Your promises and we are claiming them in Jesus' name.

It gives me little girl goosebumps...I feel as though I'm participating in a TREASURE hunt and I'm so anticipating what's to come because YOU are so loving and so faithful.  That in and of itself is a HUGE Promise!

Thus far in my faith walk ... You have promised me too many "things" to count but I am so enjoying reading YOUR word again but with fresh eyes and discovering new promises and some that will be reiterated, but this time in BOLD print.

I want to list them here and see if I can remember from memory what You've said to me in the past 6 days.
Promise #1Isaiah 62:3
Promise #2 Isaiah 56:6-7
Promise #3 (can't recall at this moment...)
Promise #4 Genesis 9:16
Promise #5 Jeremiah 29:11
Promise #6 Philippians 4:8

Cannot wait to see what today unfold...

Eternally yours