Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My Lord,

Good morning and thank you.  Sometimes, when it comes to early morning sermons...I love to listen for the WORD and then, sometimes...I like the quiet stillness of riding with You and being alert to what You may be trying to tell me.

This morning, I wasn't going to listen.  I'm a summer baby and oftentimes, the winter months leave me feeling somewhat blue and energy and no desire to do much of anything.  At least during the work week. :-)

This morning I was listening to WAVA and the message went to my heart.  I love Joshua and the story has very significant meaning for me.  When I was trying to figure out what to do with "the house" I put a picture of my first house and my second house in the book of Joshua and prayed and waited for you.

YOU Father, moved me to the beach!

Today's promise from you: #9
Joshua 1:5 " I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you."

Thank You My Lord, because Your Promises are true.  They were back then and they still are today!

Eternally yours