Sunday, December 9, 2012

My Lord,

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my "ANXIOUS" thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.  (Psalm 139:23-24)

Father, we are studying Boundaries in bible study... and Lord, I so thought I was past a lot of my old habits (people pleasing, not wanting to hurt others and speaking my truth.)  Thank you Father for your "light" in the areas of my life where I am still in the dark.  Help me to break old ways and lean more toward you and less toward self and others.  Help me to see that YOU are the one that I need to seek approval from and not to go out of my way to do things that do not agree with my spirit. 

Help me to see that if I do not do all the things on my to-do list, if I do not attend all the events that I've been invited to, if I do not visit all the friends and family members that long to see me and if I do not help everyone in the office, neighborhood and church that "things" will be just fine. 

Help me to have a clear mind, pure motives and a willing spirit.  I love to serve and help others, but I want all that I do and all that I give to come from a place of love and not obligation.  This bible study (as a result of my car being totaled) came at a perfect time for me.

I made two important decisions from reading the book thus far and it was a sense of peace that came over me that YOU Father, you gave me that peace.  Please stay with me and continue to guide my steps, my words and my heart...I simply cannot do it without you.

Side note:  My Lord, you answered a BIG prayer on Friday by sending me Dr. Stanley's devotional message.  I needed that exactly at the moment that you revealed it and FATHER I thank you deeply!!!

In Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.

Eternally yours.