Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Lord,

Today I joined Grace Brethren of Calvert County.  I have been attending since last September and I have been praying about becoming a member.  Initially, I said that I would wait to see if I would have to move.  And then you renewed my lease on the beach...that to me, was confirmation that I should plant some roots.

I love the people:  the teaching, the preaching, the fellowship, the love, the compassion, the work for you and the food...Lol

Since day one, I've felt love and warmth from the congregation and I've grown tremendously in my faith walk with you and our devotion together.  I've attended numerous bible studies:  Moses, Daniel, The Beauty of a Woman, The Beloved Disciple John, The New Disciples with "Ray and Kathy"....and soon, the women will be studying James, the brother of Jesus. 

I'm also in the middle of Daniel - The End Times, with Joan, Maureen, Marlena and several other couples.  I didn't quite grasp the study the first time and elected to join another group who has a video to go along with their study.  On the 14th, I will be hosting in my little sacred space and I'm super very first bible study and WOW...ALL for you.

Lord, what you've done for ME is incredible.  If I had known that my life would have turned out this beautifully and this peacefully...

I can't even finish the sentence...because your hands created me and nothing is hidden from your sight.  YOU knew that I would come to you at the age of 42 and that my life would unfold over the past 4 years just as it has...

With such love and gratitude for every single moment!

Eternally yours