Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My Lord,
This morning while listening to one of my favorite artist, Fred Hammond...the lyrics caused me to think about my life...past, present and future.

The title of the song is called "Don't Pass Me By."  The chorus said, "Don't bother Jesus. You have nothing to offer..."

What in the world????? I can't even imagine it. 

I was trying to think about what it was in my life that worked out for me prior to me bothering Jesus and what would possibly work for me if I no longer bothered Jesus.  I just completely burst into tears while sitting at a red light.

Thank you Father that I can bother you.  Thank you that in my sin, I was watched by you and in spite of myself, you waited for me and you listened to my heartfelt repentance and you forgave me.

1 John 3:1 "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God?  And that is what we are!..."

Eternally yours