Sunday, May 27, 2012

My Lord,

How are you today?  Deep breath...

I was listening to Dr. David Jeremiah on Saturday and he was talking about our prayer lives and how we greet you.  He said that he starts out by saying, "Good morning God."  That made me smile, because I too begin that way. 

I never want to take you for granted or just start with my wants, needs, problems, etc...
I pray that I never just dump my stuff on you without first praising and thanking you for ALL the things you've done...big and small.

One of my friends teased me in the past about thanking you for the butterflies and trees during prayer.  We laughed about it, but I do Lord.  I thank you for the beauties of nature.  In my past and in my sin, I truly did not notice those things.  So yes, I will thank you for the beautiful blade of green grass as well as the brown leaf that has died and fallen to the ground.


This morning in Church the Pastors prayed for the Seniors that have graduated.  All the kids came up front to the alter and the parents were asked to lay hands on them.  Then the Pastor said that if any of the kids did not have their parents with them, that the members would stand in.  I began to weep.  I never had that growing up and I did not send my kids out into the world with prayer.

My friend asked if I was okay and when I told her what was on my heart, she said, "Neither did I."  See how amazing you are GOD?  We are never alone.  Whatever we are experiencing, feeling, going through and having doubts about...we are never alone.  Not only are YOU always there, you send people into our lives that we are to also draw strength from. 

I wrote a message on my mirror about three weeks ago and I look at it everyday.  I've mentioned here once before, but it's worth repeating.  It said, "As I am taught, I MUST teach!"

I love you GOD just for being you and for loving and being with me.  Dana gave me a book marker that she made last week and I look at it each time that I open...

              Pause...a big white butterfly is fluttering by my window.  BEAUTIFUL!

as I was saying...each time that I open my bible, I see that reminder of your love and hers.  It says, "Wherever you are I AM."

I feel your presence all day and for that my Lord, I am eternally grateful.

Isaiah 64:4
Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any GOD besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him. (NIV)

My Lord, I wait patiently for you.  If it's not of your hands, I do not want it.  In Jesus' precious name. Amen.

Eternally yours