Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Lord,

Last night I participated in what the Church called a 3 fold communion.  We washed one another's feet and we reenacted the last supper.  The meal was delicious, and the breaking of bread and drinking of wine was a tearful moment for me as it always is. 

We sang praises to you, laughed, hugged and reflected upon YOUR ULTIMATE SACRIFICE!!!!


The fellowship always fills my soul and warms my heart in ways indescribable.  I feel so at home there and from day one, the members have welcomed me with open arms.

It was so funny at one point when a few of the ladies kept asking me to come back to the 10:45 Sunday service and then another friend, pulled me away saying, "She's staying with me at the 8:15 service."  I still don't know why I'm such a favorite...Lol

I just smile, talk about you every chance I get and try my best to spread love and joy where ever I go!

I'm in no way shape or form perfect, but I do lead my life in such a way that clearly shows, I'm nothing without YOU.  You forgave me and love me in spite of myself.  That alone gives me the grace and confidence to face this world, the stuff that can happen from day to day and the fact that one day, we will all face judgement.  I for one am not ashamed or afraid.  You and I have something special and in those moments when I do mess up, YOU said in your word that you will discipline your children because you love them.

My Lord, I am not afraid of punishment.  Knowing that you will never leave or forsake me is what sustains the very breath that I breathe.

Eternally yours